Sunday, August 28, 2016

In a Dream

Lost in a dream, I wander.
No direction or end to speak of.
Like the clouds, floating upon the wind.
My mind is hazy, as I fall deeper into the dream.
Emotion and thoughts, fade away.
Every time I try to wake, the more lost I become.
Until I nearly forget myself.
As I wander the dream, the hazy dream.
Into deeper sleep I go, sinking into the hazy darkness.
Each tear of memory, is lost.
Until there are no more to shed.
Lost in a dream, I wander.
No direction or end to speak of.
In a haze that pulls me down.
Into the deep darkness.
Until all fades away.
Like the clouds above.
Into the dream.
A lost dream.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Flowers Upon Blue Water

Flower petals scatter, each time the winds comes past.
Your reflection on the water, is like a mirror.
Yet an illusion, a dream of my mind.
The broken frames of towers and cities past.
Ruins resting upon the blue waters, covered by a blanket of green and bloom.
A memory of the illusion, the passing wind.
The wilted flower.
Upon the rusted tracks, in the shallow water lapping at my ankles.
I walk as if in a dream, as I watch the clouds.
Passing by, with the wind.
The flowers we grew are floating.
Reflected upon the mirror like water.
Is like a dream, a fading memory.
Like scattering petals.
Upon the blue water, all is reflected.
Even me.
The you who was here, is gone.
Your reflection, is an illusion now.
Flower petals scatter, each time the winds comes past.
Like them my memories of you are fading away.
Piece by piece, bit by bit.
Like a flower.
The water lapping at my feet, is the mirror.
That showed us the illusion, a dream of our minds.
Walking upon the tracks, along the ruins.
Covered in green and bloom.
Reflected upon the blue water.
The passing clouds, the flower petals in the wind.
A dream, a memory.
You are here and not here.
Resting upon the blue waters, among the flowers.
I am here and not here.
Walking in a dream, as if in a dream.
A memory of the illusion, the passing wind.
The floating flowers, scatter.
My reflection on the water, is like a mirror.
Yet an illusion, a dream of your mind.
Of mine, of ours.
The flower petals scatter, each time the winds comes past.
Then rest upon the blue waters, beneath the clouds.

Saturday, August 6, 2016


A mechanical illusion, revolving rust-red gears.
Reality and dream, a virtual cage.
A steel box, a suffocating heart.
From green to grey, from light to shadow.
Repeating flaws and sad history.
It will rust away and never grow.
A dead seed /(LiFE-)/, the gears are breaking.
A sea of debris and junk, hiding a white treasure.
Hidden warmth. /(*)LoVe(*)/+
In the ruins of stone and wood, is where we once were.
A warm /(-DeSTrOyED-)/ home.
Steel cold /(_CuRLe-)/ eyes, hollowed soul.
False words, burning hate, destroying selfishness.
Take away happiness. /(+-EvERy tHInG-+)/
An illusion of peace, a breaking paradise. /(0-sOCiEtY-0)/
A mechanical illusion, revolving rust-red gears.
Forgetting hearts, unlearning minds.
Emotion /(*KIndNeSS*)/ and logic, are jumbled along with truth and lies.
Suffocating world, shattering world.
Light and shadow /(GoOd aND Evil)/ mix.
Until blurred. /(MeRGEd)/
Your shadow /(LiGht)/ is gone.
My /(yOuR)/ warmth is gone.
Your dream /(MY HoPE+)/ is gone.
Our /(ThE WoRlD’S)/ heart /(+HUmANItY-)/ is fading. /(_IS DyINg-)/
/(“U.An.I” WiLL wE MeEt AgAIn?)/
Everything is cold. /(_-LiFElEss-_)/
I /(YoU)/ are gone.
My thoughts /(+*EmOtIoNs*+)/ of you.
Are of how you are doing, /(-YoUR SUffEriNg-)/ without hope. /(LOvE AnD WaRmTH)/ to comfort /(HeLp)/ you.
Makes me cry and wonder /(-AgONiZe-)/ if you’re okay.
A mechanical illusion, revolving rust-red gears.
Reality and dream, a virtual cage.
A steel box, /(_a - PRiSOn-0)/ a suffocating heart. /(+*SOuL*+)/
It will rust away and be forgotten.
A sea of debris and junk, hiding a white treasure. /(*YoU*)/
Hidden warmth. /(*)LoVe(*)/+
Emotion /(*KIndNeSS*)/ and love. /(EvErYThInG)/
Is shattering /(BrEAkInG)/ along with the WOrlD.
Your shadow /(LiGht)/ is gone.
My /(yOuR)/ warmth is gone.
I /(YoU)/ are gone.
Our /(ThE WoRlD’S)/ heart /(+HUmANItY-)/ is fading. /(_IS DyINg-)/
/(“U.An.I” WiLL wE MeEt AgAIn?)/
“oR U.An.I /(You and I)/ SoMeDaY iN ThE SeA OF StARs”

Note: Sorry that this looks like a mess but I was trying something new in a way so sorry if you the reader feel like you wasted your time reading this.