Thursday, February 13, 2014


I am no more. Though my truth is static, my form in the eyes of others is fluid. What am I...? 

I shall come. Formless until manifest, vanishing thereafter. What am I...? 

I take my leave quickly, but later doth I return... And yet, I am always with you. What am I...?

Can you solve these riddles? 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

All I Want

Every day I wonder if, people like me. Do people notice me, do people hear me? Do people see me or do I not even exist to them? I am kind, I am patient, and polite. I don’t hurt others, I try to help, and I always try to be a good friend. I don’t argue, and I give up the things I want. But, no even says a word to me. No one ever really thinks about me. I’m always the one that’s never noticed, even when I’m with everyone. I’m always alone, I have no one but myself. No one ever seems to notice me; do I exist? Do people hate me, do others even notice me? Does anyone see me, does anyone hear me!? I’m always alone in inside, because no one will ever notice me. I’m the one who’s always hurt, I always smile a fake smile. I’m never really happy, I always seem to lie. All I can do is wish, that someone will notice me and ask me something. That’s all I want, because my heart is lonely.