Saturday, August 6, 2016


A mechanical illusion, revolving rust-red gears.
Reality and dream, a virtual cage.
A steel box, a suffocating heart.
From green to grey, from light to shadow.
Repeating flaws and sad history.
It will rust away and never grow.
A dead seed /(LiFE-)/, the gears are breaking.
A sea of debris and junk, hiding a white treasure.
Hidden warmth. /(*)LoVe(*)/+
In the ruins of stone and wood, is where we once were.
A warm /(-DeSTrOyED-)/ home.
Steel cold /(_CuRLe-)/ eyes, hollowed soul.
False words, burning hate, destroying selfishness.
Take away happiness. /(+-EvERy tHInG-+)/
An illusion of peace, a breaking paradise. /(0-sOCiEtY-0)/
A mechanical illusion, revolving rust-red gears.
Forgetting hearts, unlearning minds.
Emotion /(*KIndNeSS*)/ and logic, are jumbled along with truth and lies.
Suffocating world, shattering world.
Light and shadow /(GoOd aND Evil)/ mix.
Until blurred. /(MeRGEd)/
Your shadow /(LiGht)/ is gone.
My /(yOuR)/ warmth is gone.
Your dream /(MY HoPE+)/ is gone.
Our /(ThE WoRlD’S)/ heart /(+HUmANItY-)/ is fading. /(_IS DyINg-)/
/(“U.An.I” WiLL wE MeEt AgAIn?)/
Everything is cold. /(_-LiFElEss-_)/
I /(YoU)/ are gone.
My thoughts /(+*EmOtIoNs*+)/ of you.
Are of how you are doing, /(-YoUR SUffEriNg-)/ without hope. /(LOvE AnD WaRmTH)/ to comfort /(HeLp)/ you.
Makes me cry and wonder /(-AgONiZe-)/ if you’re okay.
A mechanical illusion, revolving rust-red gears.
Reality and dream, a virtual cage.
A steel box, /(_a - PRiSOn-0)/ a suffocating heart. /(+*SOuL*+)/
It will rust away and be forgotten.
A sea of debris and junk, hiding a white treasure. /(*YoU*)/
Hidden warmth. /(*)LoVe(*)/+
Emotion /(*KIndNeSS*)/ and love. /(EvErYThInG)/
Is shattering /(BrEAkInG)/ along with the WOrlD.
Your shadow /(LiGht)/ is gone.
My /(yOuR)/ warmth is gone.
I /(YoU)/ are gone.
Our /(ThE WoRlD’S)/ heart /(+HUmANItY-)/ is fading. /(_IS DyINg-)/
/(“U.An.I” WiLL wE MeEt AgAIn?)/
“oR U.An.I /(You and I)/ SoMeDaY iN ThE SeA OF StARs”

Note: Sorry that this looks like a mess but I was trying something new in a way so sorry if you the reader feel like you wasted your time reading this.

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