Friday, January 9, 2015

The Dragon’s Doll Part 1: A Little Wish

Long ago in another world, in a small kingdom in its capital there lived a little girl, with her mother, father and older brother. The girl’s mother would weave the most beautiful cloth in the kingdom that even the royal family wished to have some of her mother’s cloth. Her father was an artisan and he was also a wizard, he made wonderful and beautiful things with both his imagination and magic. The girl’s older brother was also a wizard like their father but instead made dolls and the dolls he made were very special. For all the dolls he made for little girls had a special power inside them, a spell that would protect the doll’s owner when there was great danger and the more the little girl loved the doll, the more powerful the spell would become.
The little girl was happy and loved her family dearly but she was shunned by many of the other children, often having stones and items thrown at her and was called many names. Simple because she loved the dragons, the little girl loved to see them fly high into the sky and their beautiful gem-like scales. But she wished to have a doll of her every own, for she was both jealous that she did not have one like all the other little girls and sad that she didn’t have a friend.
But one day on her birthday, her brother gave her a doll of her very own. The doll’s appearance was that of a girl who was both a human and dragon. The doll had skin the color of snow, eyes that shone with the colors of the sky, short ice blue hair, sapphire blue wings, with cerulean scales and was dressed in a sleeveless mint green dress with a sapphire necklace.
The little girl gave her new doll the name Soul and as she said the name her brother asked “Why did you give your doll the name Soul?” “Because… because someday, she’ll have a soul to right? Because the more I love her, she’ll have a heart someday.” The girl replied. Her brother neither laughed at or questioned her answer but smiled and told her to always keep it close to her own heart.

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