Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Am I forgetting, am I remembering?
Gentle whispers I can barely hear.
Always seem to speak to me.
The other voice within my mind.
Says only cruel and cold words.
Are you here, am I here?
Thinking or simply just still.
Like calm water, without a single ripple.
To disturb the reflected image.
And the peaceful stillness.
Am I thinking?
Or are there simply no thoughts to think.
High up in the sky, the clouds swiftly pass by.
A breeze so gentle, I cannot feel its touch.
Am I dreaming, am I seeing?
All that is around me.
Gentle whispers I can barely hear.
Always seem to speak to me.
The other voice within my mind.
Says only cruel and cold words.
Only in stillness, does the other voice stop.
Only in stillness, shall the whispers be heard.
Am I forgetting, am I remembering?
Dreaming or seeing.
As I think, as my thoughts stop,
And stay still.
A peaceful stillness.
Let’s me only feel.
All that is in my heart.
As I listen to whispers of my heart