Saturday, May 1, 2021

Even as I Fall

I’m falling down, through the window.
I’m falling down, through the treetops.
Just where am I going? Where are you?
I’m falling down, far into the void of space.
That never-ending sky, full of stars.
Why aren’t you here?
I can’t find you anywhere, even as I fall.
You left behind only a sprig of mistletoe and a piece of snapdragon,
Wrapped with ivy and nightshade.
At the roots of the yew tree, the place we last met.
Cinnamon and cedar, bunches of heliotrope and orange blooms.
Cannot heal what you have broken.
I’m falling down, through the window.
Onto a bed of hawthorn, birch, mahogany, and milkweed.
I cannot forgive, but I will let go.
As I weave a charm of juniper and fireweed.
Even as I’m falling down, far off into the sea of stars.
I will rise and I will burn bright again.
I will rise again;

Haunting Blue

Frozen light, haunting blue
In silence the ruins sleep,
Within the mirror of water
Rusted gears,
Broken mechanical parts.
Are swallowed in beds of green
The missing chapters,
Lost pages,
Turn to dust in the wind
A key of stars, the lock of time,
Hold the frozen memories,
In haunting blue

Across the Worn Road, Beyond the Blue

Note: I wanted to post this along with some artwork to go along with this but it's been taking me longer than I would like to finish it. So the artwork will come later once I finish it. But Enjoy!

Lost in time,
Wandering within the wind,
Are the words you left behind.
Across the worn road,
Flowers bloom,
Silently expressing meanings,
Words that we could not say aloud.
Above, the sky expands beyond the blue,
Far into the endless night sky,
To the place where the stars watch above.
Forevermore, they burn till they return to stardust.
Forevermore, I am here below their gentle glow.
Lost in time,
Wandering within the wind,
Are the feelings you left me,
That linger on bittersweetly.
Life continues to bloom,
Despite its fragility,
Despite the things that seek to destroy it.
The cycle of life keeps going,
Forevermore, even as the world falls apart and returns to stardust.
Forevermore, I watch the world change.
Across the sea, past the endless changing scenery,
Across the worn old road,
Past the fading footprints,
Flowers bloom,
Silently expressing bottled up feelings.
Above, the sky expands beyond the blue,
Far into the endless night sky,
The kingdom of the stars.
Lost in time,
Deep in memory,
Wandering within the wind.
Are the things you left behind,
The lingering emotions,
Your bittersweet face,
Your once clear voice,
All the fragments of you,
From the place where you sleep,
Where you forever watch the world without me.
May these feathers of mine,
My countless thoughts,
The bottled-up feelings,
That I could not say aloud.
Someday reach you,
Even as the stars return to stardust.
Even as across the worn road,
Flowers bloom.
For eternity,
I am here,
Alone, flying in the blue sky without you.
Lost in the thoughts,
Deep in the memories,
Within the countless gifts and feelings,
You gave and left me.
I pray that these feathers of mine,
My countless thoughts,
The once bottled-up feelings,
The once silent words,
The tears I cried,
Our bittersweet memories,
All that is me, every single part,
Someday reach you within the kingdom of the stars.
Even as forevermore,
Lost in time,
Wandering within the wind,
Are all the things we have left behind,
The love we forever hold,
The love we have,
My undying love for you;